Questions to ask yourself as a house sitter

You should always consider this before putting yourself out there and your services. Are you doing house sitting chores purely for the money or do you actually want to do it because you will enjoy it? If you do decide to do it for the money then you should in no way let this fact be known to your clients as they may be a bit sceptical of somebody in it just to make a bit of extra cash. You should always remain committed whatever your reason as with proper commitment levels you can definitely achieve a lot should you put your mind to it.
Performing a house sitter job really doesn’t require all that much training, however if you go into the role with certain qualifications such as a cleaning background or dog walking background, then that will put a favourable mark on your application and more than likely make home owners choose you over others.

Why Should People Choose You to House Sit?

This will be the question that will no doubt cross your potential clients mind when they initially make contact. They will probably have numerous potential house sitters in mind and you need to impress them in order to get the house sitter job. Think of it as a job interview of sorts; go into it with a professional mindset and a positive state of mind.

If you have the extra qualifications we just mentioned then this of course will look great for you and the potential of your job. If you don’t, think of other important factors that can give you the job over other potential clients. Do you have a special talent when it comes to looking after animals? If you know how to stop a dog from jumping up or perform cat grooming therapy with ease, you can get an extra edge over the others. Remember, house sitters are wanted where sitters may be required to act as an Au Pair in Australia or just care for pets as a part of the sitting job.

Will you offer to do more cleaning than they require or provide them with extra services at no extra cost to them? It’s the little things that sometimes people take notice of so always go into a client interview with numerous ideas in mind if you feel as though you won’t be successful in being hired by them. Never give up no matter how bleak the situation looks! You never know until you get a phone call at the end of the interview procedure.

How Will You Make The Client Hire You Again?

So you are successful in getting the job and your time at the client’s house is over. You have done a great job and looked after their pets perfectly, but how can you get them to choose you again the next time they need a house sitter? Well usually if you do exactly as they ask and you charge a reasonable amount, they generally would take you back next time, however you can always go for a little bit extra if you really do want to secure their services. As we just mentioned it’s usually the little things that they notice so ensure that everything you have been asked to do has been done so and in the best possible way.

You can also always do extra jobs around the house they haven’t requested and inform the client what exactly you have done. Keeping a check on rats and mice or providing a green cleaning to their bungalow is a good way to gain good reputation. In regards to their pets, why not take them for extra outings? Or purchase them special, healthier food that the owner will appreciate? You could also follow all the house rules sincerely and provide a detail everything you have done or potential things you could do next time to improve the situation and that then would give you a higher chance of being employed again. Whatever the case, always try and go out of your way to impress the client.

Usually the hardest aspect of being a house sitter is obtaining regular clients who want to hire you frequently. Once you have a good relationship though with the client then this should become less of an issue as time goes by, so as with anything keep persistent and remain positive and before long you will be an established house sitter with numerous clients! Check our site for regular tips and updates on house sitting jobs. We offer a forum where you can address your requirement to the client or vice versa.



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