Looking for a female or couple to house/pet sit & occasional companion for 29yr old female living in separate quarters. | GAYNDAH, QLD

  • 8th July 2024 - 22nd July 2024
  • 14 days


1 Jack Russell & 1 cat living in house

4 work dogs to be exercised and fed (Penned at night)

chooks to feed mornings and let out for afternoon

5 horses – our daughter will teach you their feeding/rugging routine

vegie garden to tend & sprinklers to move around lawn daily.



Property Features & Location Features

  • Air Con
  • BBQ
  • Cooling
  • Disabled Access
  • Dishwasher
  • Fishing nearby
  • Free Internet
  • Garage parking
  • Heating
  • High Speed Internet
  • Room for caravan
  • Rural Location
  • Short Term House Sit
  • Washing machine
  • WiFi

Pet/Garden Care

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House sitter wanted, rural setting
Our main focus is to have a caring person to interact with our super friendly little dog (Henley)...
  • 27th Aug 2024 - 13th Sep 2024

  • 17 days
  • Farm House
  • Yes
  • No
Request Confirmation

September 2024

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